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Help a newbie with a killer

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:12 pm
by Zabby
Ok, i'm stuck on this killer:

Code: Select all

Solved so far:

Code: Select all

|(16)               |(9)      |(19)                         |(13)                         |
| 59        59      | 8       | 12        27        17      | 346       34        346     |
:---------.         |         |         .---------.         :-------------------.---------:
|(12)     |         |         |         |(17)     |         |(13)               |(17)     |
| 4       | 2       | 1       | 36      | 9       | 36      | 58        58      | 7       |
|         :---------+---------'---------:         :---------+-------------------:         |
|         |(12)     |(11)               |         |(22)     |(3)                |         |
| 36      | 36      | 7         4       | 8       | 5       | 2         1       | 9       |
|         |         '---------.---------'---------:         :-------------------:         |
|         |                   |(16)               |         |(16)               |         |
| 25      | 4         25      | 36         36      | 8       | 79        79      | 1       |
:---------'-------------------+---------.         |         :-------------------'---------:
|(17)                         |(21)     |         |         |(11)                         |
| 368       368       36       | 7       | 1       | 9       | 45        45        245     |
:---------.-------------------:         |         '---------+-------------------.---------:
|(15)     |(10)               |         |                   |(16)               |(16)     |
| 7       | 1         9       | 5       | 4         2       | 38        6       | 38      |
|         :-------------------:         :---------.---------'---------.         |         |
|         |(10)               |         |(8)      |(5)                |         |         |
| 2356    | 378       23      | 9       | 3567    | 4         1       | 23578   | 23568   |
|         :-------------------+---------:         :---------.---------+---------:         |
|         |(12)               |(24)     |         |         |(15)     |(14)     |         |
| 2356      | 3789      34      | 1268    | 3567    | 1367    | 6789    | 2345789 | 234568  |
:---------'-------------------:         '---------'         |         |         '---------:
|(15)                         |                             |         |                   |
| 1         89       56       | 128        23567        1367      | 6789     | 234789    2348    |
ok, the second code is a lil bit messed up :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:37 pm
by Para

Check for hidden singles in columns 1,2,3 and row 5
Hope that gets you going again.

Also a more general hint. Don't forget to clean up the cages(remove redundant candidates. Especially in the bottom half of the grid there are a lot of redundant candidates in cages.



Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:54 pm
by Zabby
Hey para,

thanks for a response. I was solving this on paper and used sumocue just to write canditates and forgot the bottom :oops:

Anyways, you really helped me, i found some hidden singles and subsets just where you told me to look! Thanks so much, i might be able to solve it now.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:26 pm
by Para

Your welcome. I was already wondering why thre were so many redundant candidates there, but this way it makes sense. :wink:

